October 15, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Most Corrupt Nations of the World That You Never Knew

According to the Transparency International (TI), how corrupt your country is possible to know. This scale is Corruption Perception Index (CPI), devised in 1996, can rank the states by corruption. According to it, Corruption is the misuse of a power of public for private benefit’. CPI has rated 168 countries on a scale, ranging from 0-168, with 100 being the cleanest and 0 being the most corrupt one.

The greediness, vice of lust and power-loving nature cause people to practice corrupt practices, for instance, in cornerstone.com, CEO Stork made his office of glass from that even birds can’t see as it is ‘power move.’ These human being feelings are common in corrupt countries, and they hold authority places.


According to CPI report, violation of corruption laws and people face bribery and extortion and forget about the rules.

TI reported that below listed are the most corrupt nations today:


Total exports are oil exports and 75% citizenship believes that corruption exists. It is ranked as the 10th significant exporter of oil and 13th largest producer. According to a Venezuelan NGO, in past 25 years, about $100 billion is misused from oil. Terrorist organizations and drug trafficking with nepotism and bribery are main reasons of corruption. These facts render Venezuela among the most corrupt nations of the world.


Heritage Foundation says that Guinea Bissau is a corrupt nation and since 2012, its index ended. Citizens have no information rights, impunity everywhere, due to drug trafficking, as the country norm. Drug lords in Columbia see this place like heaven and haven. State collapse and widespread poverty are in favor of drug business. An improvement observed in 2008-2011 when a military coup stopped government’s efforts for corruption.


In the South Asian countries, export goes in specialized, mechanized and handmade ingredients, raw material and natural products are common. Carpets, dried fruit, and medicinal herbs are common exports of Afghanistan. Due to a local population, corruption is a standing issue, and due to instability, it worsened. The regime is fragile, with no governance. In decades, Afghanistan, as plunged into the war state, demonstrate an increase in the false practices. Kabul bank scandal is the main issue and recent one that is linked to the lavish lifestyle of a president. Afghanistan is maintaining its position for the world’s most corrupt nations.


Corruption is the main hurdle for those economies who want to business in Libya. The massive oil reserves in Africa found in Libya. The economy depends on oil and constitutes 70% GDP with 90% revenue of government. The local market is driven by state-owned business, and there is unfair competition in bribery and nepotism that companies face. After the revolution and due to Gaddafi, the situation worsened. The Arab spring, after a revolt, in 2011 has not shown any fair results; also the law enforcement is weak. Poor law due to still written state and constitution are under developing state, so the situation is abysmal.


The most impoverished country in the Middle East is Yemen and most corrupt also. Poverty prevails everywhere, and people do awful things to stop their kids from dying. Women have to choose a kid to do bread and the one who will die of starvation. Citizens are helpless due to corruption, bribery is common due to nepotism, and in the military too, bribery is common. Ali Abdullah Saleh in 1990-2012 there was record corruption in the country.


The chief exports are oil, Livestock, coal, gold and Arabic gum. It holds 177th position out of 183 countries among the most corrupt nations. Due to government deregulation, political instability, lack of accountability, ineffectiveness by a government and absence of the rule of law, there is significant bribery. Transportation, construction sectors cater substantial foreign investment, but due to a lot of corruption, it goes in vain.


Syria export petroleum, crude oil, and minerals. ISIS holds its heritage, Syrian museums and its artifacts at international level at legal and illegal terms. Electricity and oil, Syrian government buys from ISIS and rebel money and controlled areas, and it is used to destroy the people. The 1997 agreement is followed by state, in which chemical weapons are ban, however, it is violating those rules and destroying own civilians. According to the credible sources, the government has 95 depots of chemical weapons.

North Korea

The main exports of this country are coal, textile, crude oil, and ore. It is at the 175th place among the 177 most corrupt nations ranking. Draconian punishments for the information and control exertion to foreign media kept hold and police officers offered bribes. For the interest of regime, radio and TV access changed, and the government of North Korea is indulging in extortion, counterfeit goods sale, drugs sale and arms trafficking. Activities in the country are to develop weapons and nuclear arms, mere like a Hollywood show.

 South Sudan

Crude oil is the main export in South Sudan. Leading corruption causes are police corruption, embezzlement, extractives and management in public finances. After freedom, the country decided to attain self-reliance, but civil war broke out, and a state of international isolationism reached. The rulers hindered financial state of the economy by ruling each part of the country. According to rumors, western forces are responsible for the civil war.


The major exports in Somalia are livestock, charcoal, scrap, and bananas. It had a promising future in front of the major countries, so the cure was to interrupt the economy with a disruption overflow. Now, this economy is experiencing hyper-inflation, with unstable conditions and uncertainty exist due to zero foreign investment.

Corruption carried out willfully and secretly, so it is not possible to get its direct measures. Agencies use proxies for this, such as TI. The complex framework of nations make it cumbersome that how agencies use indexes to measure most corrupt nations, because, in this process, private sectors remain separated. However, a clean country may also be likely to link to the corrupt activities, argued by Transparency International and no economy is free from corruption.